February 2025
Message from the Head of College
Dear College Community,
Welcome to a new college year and a fresh chapter in our lives! Dear beloved students, every year you spend at school is a truly special one. This is the time when you lay the groundwork for a fulfilling future, a time to learn, grow, and embrace the journey ahead. It is wonderful to have you all back, and I hope your holiday was refreshing and enjoyable.
Here at St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College, we are embarking on a special start to the new year. This year, we celebrate the Feast of the Departure of St. Mary, a significant occasion that we honour several times throughout the year. We are truly blessed to have the image of the Mother of God as our college’s Logo, a source of inspiration and guidance for us all.
As we begin this new school year, we also enter the season of Lent, a time for reflection and preparation as we anticipate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This sacred season invites us to deepen our faith, engage in acts of kindness, and grow in our spiritual lives. Let us embrace this opportunity to renew our commitment to our values and to one another, fostering a strong sense of community within our college.
In conclusion, I wish each and every one of you a joyful and meaningful Lenten season. May this time of reflection bring you closer to your faith, and may you find peace, hope, and strength as we journey together toward the celebration of the resurrection.
Fr. Tadros Sharobeam
Head of College
Message from the Acting Principal
Greetings College Community,
As we are now well and truly settling into Term One of the 2025 academic year, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. Here are some of the highlights from across the campus.
February Highlights:
This new year promises to be a time of growth, learning, and community spirit, reflecting the essence of our school motto and the wisdom found in the Book of Psalms: "Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness." - Psalms 143:10
This verse inspires us to seek guidance and wisdom in our pursuits, and I hope it will serve as a beacon for our students and staff throughout the year.
Looking ahead, we are enthusiastic about the initiatives and opportunities that 2025 holds. Each event and every interaction is a step towards fulfilling our educational mission and strengthening our community. I am confident that with the support and collaboration of all our families, staff, and students, this year will be marked by significant achievements and joyous learning experiences.
Let us all strive to embody the spirit of unity and excellence in everything we do at SMCO. Here's to a productive and fulfilling year ahead.
Germaine Saad
Acting Principal
Medical Information & Emergency Contacts Annual Update
Online Safety Basics
We can help our children safely navigate the online world by taking some basic steps to reduce the risks. Our support and guidance can give our children the knowledge to make sound decisions online and the confidence to ask for help when they need it.
Three key strategies
For more information and resources to parents, children and young people (including resources in other languages), visit the eSafety Commissioner’s website.
ﻟﻣزﯾد ﻣن اﻟﻣﻌﻠوﻣﺎت ﺑﺎﻟلغه اﻟﻌرﺑيه إﺿﻐط ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟراﺑط اﻟﺗالي
Hanan Khreish
Policy and Compliance Leader
Back to school
Young people can feel a range of emotions when they're heading back to school, which include feelings of excitement, anticipation and nerves.
Some students can adjust to the changes and settle into things quickly. However, some young people may find this a daunting and challenging time.
There can be a number of reasons why it might be hard to go school: trying to make new friends, pressure to get the best marks, dealing with bullying, or perhaps going through a mental health issue such as anxiety or depression. These worries can make the next few weeks an uncertain time.
Whether you are a young person struggling, or a parent with concerns about your child, headspace is here to help.
Advice for parents:
Most parents can tell when something is out of the ordinary, but there are also signs that suggest a young person might be experiencing a mental health problem. These are new and noticeable changes in the young person, lasting at least a few weeks, including:
Tips for parents:
More information
Find more tips and information about supporting a young person.
Headspace, 12 December 2023 - Click here to learn more
العودة إلى المدرسة
يمكن للشباب أن يشعروا بمجموعة من المشاعر عند عودتهم إلى المدرسة، والتي تشمل مشاعر الإثارة والترقب والأعصاب
يمكن لبعض الطلاب التكيف مع التغييرات والاستقرار في الأشياء بسرعة. ومع ذلك ، قد يجد بعض الشباب أن هذا وقت شاق وصعب.
يمكن أن يكون هناك عدد من الأسباب التي قد تجعل من الصعب الذهاب إلى المدرسة: محاولة تكوين صداقات جديدة ، أو الضغط للحصول على أفضل العلامات ، أو التعامل مع التنمر ، أو ربما التعرض لمشكلة في الصحة النفسيه مثل القلق أو الاكتئاب. يمكن لهذه المخاوف أن تجعل الأسابيع القليلة المقبلة وقتا دون إستقرار
.هنا للمساعدة headspace سواء كنت شابا يعاني ، أو أحد الوالدين فان
:نصيحة للآباء
يمكن لمعظم الآباء معرفة متى يكون هناك شيء خارج عن المألوف ، ولكن هناك أيضا علامات تشير إلى أن الشاب قد يعاني من مشكلة في الصحة النفسيه. هذه تغييرات جديدة وملحوظة في الشاب ، تستمر لبضعة أسابيع على الأقل ، بما في ذلك
.عدم الاستمتاع أو عدم الرغبة في المشاركة في الأشياء التي يستمتعون بها عادة -
. تغيرات في الشهية أو أنماط النوم -
.الإنزعاج أو الغضب بسهولة دون سبب -
إشراك أنفسهم في سلوك محفوف بالمخاطر يتجنبونه عادة ، مثل تعاطي المخدرات أو شرب الكثير من الكحول
.يبدو متوترا أو قلقا أو محبطا أو يبكي دون سبب -
.التعبير عن أفكار سلبية أو مؤلمة أو غريبة أو غير عادية -
:نصائح عمليه للآباء
.تحدث معهم بصراحة وصدق ، واجعلهم يعرفون أنك قلق -
. طمئنهم بأنك ستكون هناك من أجلهم ، واسأل عما يحتاجون إليه منك -
.دعهم يعرفون أن هناك الكثير من المساعدة المتاحة -
.ودعمهم في الحضور headspace مثل مركز
ساعد في العثور على خدمه مناسبه -
.ساعدهم في بناء شبكة دعم -
اعتني بنفسك أيضا. احصل على بعض الدعم من خلال التحدث إلى شخص تثق به واطلب المساعدة المهنية لنفسك إذا كنت في حاجة إليها
مزيد من المعلومات
اعثر على مزيد من النصائح والمعلومات حول دعم الشباب على
A Blessed Visit: His Grace Bishop Theophilus
Last Monday, our college was honoured to welcome His Grace Bishop Theophilus. Overseeing St. Mary's College in Egypt, His Grace shared fascinating insights with our students about the college's significant impact on its community.
During his visit, our students viewed a video that highlighted the vibrant activities at St. Mary’s College and the profound effect these initiatives have on the lives of many children. This presentation provided a unique learning experience and a moment for deep reflection.
We are deeply thankful for His Grace’s visit and the wisdom he shared, which left our students inspired and enlightened.
Divine Liturgy Ushers in New Beginnings for 2025
“Where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there among them.” – Matthew 18:20
“As the body is one and has many members, all the members of that one body, being many, are one body — so also is Christ.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:12
On Thursday, 6th February 2025, the college community came together to celebrate the first Divine Liturgy of the year. This significant event was graced by the presence of Fr. Tadros, Fr. Peter, Fr. Habib Girgis, Fr. David, Fr. Kerillos, Fr. Moses, Fr. Ezekiel and Fr. Saliba.
Fr. Saliba shared insights on the Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins, emphasising the importance of using time wisely and glorifying God in all endeavours. We were also delighted to welcome Fr. Moses Morcous, a graduate of SMCO, who spoke for the first time since his ordination. Fr. Moses expressed his gratitude to Fr. Tadros for the invitation and urged students to cherish their time at the college, to study diligently and to persevere.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Fathers for their invaluable service and presence. We pray that 2025 will be a fruitful year filled with love, unity, and academic success for all our beloved students and teachers.
Religion Department
SMCO's Foundation Class Springs into Action!
On February 30, 2025, excitement and anticipation filled the air as the college's foundation class convened for their first day. The atmosphere buzzed with energy, welcoming students, all ready to embark on their educational journey at SMCO.
Teachers warmly greeted the new students, sharing inspiring words about the myriad opportunities ahead. As the day unfolded, early friendships were formed, establishing the foundation for a supportive and enriching academic community.
Welcome Foundation 2025!
Primary's Excellence Award & The Fr. Macarius Award 2024
On Monday, February 10, we were thrilled to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our Primary School students. A heartfelt congratulations to each recipient of our Excellence Awards, and a special thank you to their supportive parents and carers.
In honour of the cherished late Fr. Macarius Wahba, we recognise students who have demonstrated significant academic improvement or positive behavioral changes with the Fr. Macarius Award. Well done to these inspiring students for their hard work and dedication!
Mervet Boulos
Head of Primary &
Acting Head of Middle School
A Celebration of VCE High Achievers at SMCO
We recently had the immense privilege of recognising the exceptional accomplishments of our 2024 VCE High Achievers in a ceremony that not only highlighted their academic excellence but also the vibrant spirit of our college community. This event brought together students, parents, carers, and teachers in a celebration of dedication and hard work that marks the culmination of their secondary education journey.
The ceremony was a heartfelt acknowledgment of our students' commitment throughout their VCE, reflecting on the challenges they overcame and the perseverance they demonstrated. Each awardee was honoured individually, providing everyone with a moment to appreciate the hard work behind each achievement.
Following the formal proceedings, the morning tea offered a wonderful opportunity for students. teachers and their families to mingle.
Congratulations once again to all our outstanding students. Your achievements serve not only as a testament to your own dedication but also as a beacon of inspiration for your peers and all upcoming students. Well done to everyone involved in making this event a memorable success.
We look forward to continuing this tradition of celebrating academic excellence and watching our students thrive in their future endeavours.
Hayley Tronson
Acting Head of Senior School
SMCO’s Meet and Greet Shines Bright
Wow! The Primary and Secondary Meet and Greet evening at SMCO was an outstanding success. The gym was alive with excitement, filled with an impressive turnout of parents and students, all participating in this spectacular event.
The evening began with an impressive array of stations, meticulously prepared by both the Primary and Secondary staff. From the Foundation to Year Six, each cohort presented their activities. Departments like Religion, English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health & P.E., Languages, Music, Arts, and Tech set up engaging displays.
Additional features included a Wellbeing Station and a SEQTA station to assist parents with enquiries about SEQTA Engage, as well as a Careers Counselling station.
The creativity displayed at these stations was truly remarkable. We are incredibly grateful for your dedication and support for our college. May God bless you all for your contributions to our thriving college community.
Mervet Boulos
Head of Primary &
Acting Head of Middle School
Welcoming Our New Careers Advisor - Jess Varcoe
Hello College Community,
I'm Jess Varcoe, and I'm absolutely thrilled to join the college as the new Careers Advisor at St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College.
From day one, I’ve felt a genuine sense of belonging here, thanks to the warm welcomes from everyone — students, staff, and families alike. The enthusiasm and ambition of the students I’ve met so far are truly inspiring, and I'm incredibly grateful for the chance to support them as they explore their future pathways.
With a background in business from Deakin University and hands-on experience in helping individuals access tertiary education and secure employment, I bring a practical understanding of both the education and employment sectors to my role. This experience is invaluable as I guide our students through their career choices.
A Career Program That Delivers Real Results
More than just offering advice, I’m here to make things happen. Whether our students are looking towards university, TAFE, apprenticeships, or jumping straight into the workforce, I’m committed to giving them a clear sense of direction, confidence in their choices, and the tools to succeed on whichever path they choose.
I’m actively building relationships with universities, employers, and industry professionals to create real opportunities for our students, including work experience, mentoring, networking, and exposure to different career pathways.
My mantra is, “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” I’m passionate about helping each student not only secure their first job but also find a career that brings them lifelong satisfaction and happiness.
A Bit About Me Beyond Careers
Outside of work, I'm a people person who loves to connect and support those around me. I’m an outgoing, sociable person with a big group of friends. I cherish the time I spend with my partner, my incredibly career-driven mum — who has been a CEO in hospitals all my life — and my grandmother, who, despite losing her ability to speak, has taught me so much about resilience and the power of non-verbal communication.
As we approach the work experience season and our new VCE students start to explore the emerging world before them, please know my door is always open. If you have any questions about career options, work experience, or further study, I’d love to have a chat. I’m keen to get to know more students and families and am looking forward to working together to create real and lasting opportunities for the future.
Jess Varcoe
Careers Advisor
A Week of Cultural Celebration: Harmony Day and European Culture Showcase
On Monday, 24th February, the college kicked off Humanities Week with a vibrant celebration of Harmony Day. This day is dedicated to the message that 'Everyone belongs', highlighting the significance of inclusiveness across Australia.
Students embraced the spirit of the day, wearing orange t-shirts and participating in an assembly that featured an educational video and a lively musical performance.The festivities continued into Tuesday and Wednesday with a special focus on European cultures. Each student received a 'passport' to embark on a virtual journey through Italy, Germany, Spain and Greece.
They experienced a series of presentations that showcased the rich culture, language, and cuisine of each country. The music department enhanced the experience with distinctive music and traditional dances from each region. Highlights included the Greek Zorba, the Italian Tarantella, yodelling from Germany, and flamenco guitar music from Spain.
The event was a resounding success, with students thoroughly enjoying their 'taste of Europe' and gaining a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures.
Rimon Dinkha
Head of Humanities/Year 12 Coordinator
Welcome speech by Head of Humanities & Year 12 Coordinator, Mr Rimon Dinkha
The German Yodel as performed by Miss Sabrina Lim-how
The accordion performed by Head of Music, Mrs. Sandra Mlikota
Important Dates
Secondary's Photo Day
Friday, March 7
Labour Day - Public Holiday
Monday, March 10
Year 12 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, March 11
MP Visit Evan Mulholland
Tuesday, March 11
Police Unit Visit
Tuesday, March 11
Labour Day - Public Holiday
Monday, March 10
Year 4 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, March 11 – 12
Wednesday,March 12
Year 12 Camp
Wednesday, March 12 - 14
Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Thursday, March 13
Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Monday, March 17
Year 4 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, March 18 – 19
Year 8 Camp
Wednesday, March 19
Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Thursday, March 20
Language Week
Monday, March 24 - 28
Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Monday, March 24
Student Leaders Workshop
Tuesday, March 25
Year 4 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, March 25
Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Thursday, March 27
Year 1 Bundoora Heritage Village
Friday, March 28
Last Day for Students - Term 1
Friday, April 4,
Last Day for Teachers - Term 1
Friday, April 4, 2025
Reg. No. 1934
Address: 19-35 Thorpdale Ave, Coolaroo Vic 3048
Phone: (03) 9301 0999 I Fax: (03) 9302 2688