June 2024
Be a Light to the World
Dear College Community,
During this time we want to reflect on the feast of the Holy Ascension. The disciples were told to wait for an extra ten days in Jerusalem until they got filled with the Holy Spirit, and then they started their mission to go into the world to preach the gospel and send the message of salvation to all of us. After all this time, two thousand years later, here we are, still carrying this message and following our Lord until the Second - Coming. It is really wonderful to remember that these events - the Resurrection, Ascension, and the Holy Feast of the Pentecost-are what inspired many people to follow the Lord and to go on a mission to witness for the Lord in the whole world. Not only this, but to also give their lives as a symbol and a token of love for the Lord. Here we are with the apostles, and here we are with saints all the time. Our church is full of the icons of the Saints, and we have churches all around the world where the name of the Lord is glorified, blessed, and exalted all the time.
Everything around you as a Christian reminds you that the Lord is there; the Lord is actually leading your life, and you have been guided, guarded, and helped by the Holy Spirit to continue in this world in spite of all the hardships that come our way. You want to do a good thing for yourself, your community, and your people, and it is actually a message that you should carry in your life.
Not only to your friends at school or to your parents, but also to everyone else. I hope you take on this mission in your life. Tell yourself that you are on this mission: you are on a mission to glorify God, you are on a mission to carry the cross, and you are on a mission that, through your success, you may spread the message to everyone that following the Lord is a great thing that makes you successful and makes you happy and profitable in your life. Let us take this wonderful time of holy Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost to be a great incentive for us to really be good witnesses for the Lord and for everyone. May the Lord help you to be this great witness.
One of the things you should do is always have a good character, good behaviour, and a good Christian appearance, not only from the outside but also from the inside. Let the light of Christ that is inside you shine on the world. Let the people say, “Yes, those are truly the people of God who can guide us to the right way." May the Lord give you blessings and success and help you with everything you do. Glory to our Lord now and forever, Amen.
Fr. Tadros Sharobeam
Head of College
I pray this message finds you well and enjoying a well-deserved break during the July holidays. As we reflect on the past term, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their hard work and dedication. In this time of rest, I am reminded of Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." May this holiday be a time of rejuvenation and quality moments with loved ones.
Term Two was truly remarkable, filled with wonderful opportunities and enriching activities. Our Language and Culture Week allowed us to embrace and learn about various cultures, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation among our students. The Year 7 camp at Lady Northcote Recreation Centre was a highlight, offering students the chance to develop teamwork and resilience through engaging activities.
We also had numerous incursions, providing students with hands-on learning experiences that brought their studies to life. Additionally, we are pleased to report positive results from the student wellbeing survey, reflecting the supportive and nurturing environment we strive to maintain.
Looking ahead, I encourage our Year 10 to 12 students to participate in the My First Speech competition—details can be found below. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your creativity and public speaking skills.
I look forward to another incredible term filled with growth and learning. May the Lord grant you all to stay safe and well.
Germaine Saad
Acting Principal
Cyberbullying - A guide to online bullying for parents and carers
Cyberbullying of children is when someone uses online content or communication to seriously humiliate, seriously harass, seriously intimidate or seriously threaten a child or young person under the age of 18. It can take many forms including sending abusive messages, hurtful images or videos, nasty online gossip, excluding or humiliating others, or creating fake accounts in someone’s name to trick or humiliate them.
Online bullying can have a devastating impact on young people, whose online life is a key part of their identity and how they interact socially.
I think my child is being bullied
Your child may not tell you if they are experiencing bullying behaviour online because of a fear it might make things worse for them or they may lose access to their devices and the internet.
Signs to watch for
· being upset after using the internet or their mobile phone
· changes in personality, such as becoming more withdrawn,
· anxious, sad or angry
· appearing more lonely or distressed
· unexpected changes in friendship groups
· a decline in their school work
· changes in their sleep patterns
· avoidance of school or clubs
· a decline in their physical health
· becoming secretive about their online activities and mobile phone use.
What to do if your child is being cyberbullied
Here are 7 ways to support them:
1. Reassure them that you're here to support them and that you won't take away their devices.
2. Listen without judging when they open up.
3. Collect evidence of the bullying, like screenshots and URLs.
4. Help them to report it to the platform or social media site.
5. No response? Report it to
6. Update their privacy settings across devices and accounts.
7. Encourage them to reach out for support.
Further information and guidance for parents, carers, children and young people is available at :
ألتنمر عبر الإنترنت - دليل للتنمر عبر الإنترنت للآباء ومقدمي الرعاية
التنمر الإلكتروني للأطفال هو عندما يستخدم شخص ما محتوى أو إتصالات عبر الإنترنت لإذلال طفل أو شاب يقل عمره عن 18 عاما أو مضايقته بشكل خطير أو تخويفه بشكل خطير أو تهديده بشكل خطير. يمكن أن يتخذ أشكالا عديدة بما في ذلك إرسال رسائل مسيئة أو صور أو مقاطع فيديو مؤذية أو ثرثرة سيئة عبر الإنترنت أو إستبعاد الآخرين أو إذلالهم أو إنشاء حسابات مزيفة باسم شخص ما
.لخداعه أو إذلاله
يمكن أن يكون للتنمر عبر الإنترنت تأثير مدمر على الشباب ، الذين تعد حياتهم على الإنترنت جزءا
.أساسيا من هويتهم وكيفية تفاعلهم إجتماعيا
أعتقد أن طفلي يتعرض للتنمر
قد لا يخبرك طفلك ما إذا كان يعاني من سلوك التنمر عبر الإنترنت بسبب الخوف من أن يجعل الأمور أسوأ بالنسبة له أو قد يفقد الوصول إلى أجهزته والإنترنت.
علامات يجب مراقبتها
.الشعور بالضيق بعد استخدام الإنترنت أو الهاتف المحمول -
.التغييرات في الشخصية ، مثل أن يصبح أكثر انسحابا (وحيد) -
.قلق أو حزين أو غاضب -
.ألظهور بالوحدة أو الضيق أكثر -
.تغييرات غير متوقعة في مجموعات الصداقة -
.تراجع في عملهم المدرسي -
.ألتغييرات في أنماط نومهم -
.تجنب المدرسة أو النوادي -
.تدهور في صحتهم البدنية -
. يصبحوا سريين بشأن أنشطتهم عبر الإنترنت واستخدام الهاتف المحمول -
ماذا تفعل إذا كان طفلك يتعرض للتنمر عبر الإنترنت
فيما يلي 7 طرق لدعمهم
. ١ إستمع دون الحكم عندما ينفتحون بالكلام معك.
طمئنهم أنك هنا لدعمهم وأنك لن تسلب أجهزتهم ٢
. إجمع أدلة على التنمر ، مثل لقطات الشاشة وعناوين ٣
. ساعدهم على الإبلاغ عنها إلى المنصة أو موقع التواصل الاجتماعي ٤ لا يوجد رد؟ أبلغ بذلك ٥
. قم بتحديث إعدادات الخصوصية الخاصة بهم عبر الأجهزة والحسابات ٦
. شجعهم على التواصل للحصول على الدعم ٧
:يتوفر مزيد من المعلومات والإرشادات للآباء ومقدمي الرعاية والأطفال والشباب على
My First Speech Competition
The 2024 edition of the national My First Speech competition for Year 10, 11 and 12 students is now open and is accepting submissions.
The competition asks students to write and record a 90-second speech on a topic they are passionate about as if they are making their first speech in the House of Representatives. A winner from each year group is selected and flown to Canberra with a parent or guardian where they deliver their speech at Parliament House. Winners will also meet MPs, tour Parliament House, and learn more about the democratic process.
A panel of judges, which includes Members and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Milton Dick MP, will choose the winner from each year group.
Entries close at 5.00pm (AEST) on 27 July 2024. More details can be found on the My First Speech website at:
Hanan Khreish
Policy & Compliance Leader
Risk Minimisation Plan
Risk Minimisation Plan Update
For Students with Medical Condition/s
All students at risk of asthma, anaphylaxis or allergy have risk minimisation plans prepared by the College to reduce the risk of exposure to allergens affecting their health while they are under our care. Due to the nature of these types of medical conditions, changes with respect to these conditions can occur at any time, and therefore, the College needs to update such medical information twice a year, and now is the time for 2024’s second update in preparation for Semester Two. It is the parents’ or carers’ responsibility to provide this important information to the College.
All parents and carers of students with such conditions have recently received by mail their child’s Risk Minimisation Plan. This is a friendly reminder to discuss and update the Risk Minimisation Plan together with their child’s doctor, sign and return the plan to the College by Friday, 19th July 2024. This update will ensure that we have accurate information about the student’s condition and the required treatment while in our care to enable us to respond effectively to medical emergencies.
Hanan Khreish
Policy & Compliance Leader
تذكير هام
تحديث خطة تقليل المخاطر
للطلاب الذين يعانون من حالة / حالات طبية
جميع الطلاب المعرضين لخطر الإصابة بالربو أو الحساسية المفرطة أو الحساسية لديهم خطط لتقليل
المخاطر أعدتها الكلية لتقليل مخاطر التعرض لمسببات الحساسية التي تؤثر على صحتهم أثناء
وجودهم تحت رعايتنا. نظرا لطبيعة هذه الأنواع من الحالات الطبية ، يمكن أن تحدث تغييرات فيما
يتعلق بهذه الحالات في أي وقت ، وبالتالي ، تحتاج الكلية إلى تحديث هذه المعلومات الطبية مرتين في
السنة ، والآن هو الوقت المناسب للتحديث الثاني لعام 2024 استعدادا للفصل الدراسي الثاني. تقع
.على عاتق الوالدين أو مقدمي الرعاية مسؤولية تقديم هذه المعلومات المهمة للكليه
تلقى جميع أولياء الأمور ومقدمي الرعاية للطلاب الذين يعانون من مثل هذه الحالات مؤخرا عن طريق
البريد خطة تقليل المخاطر الخاصة بأطفالهم. هذا تذكير ودي لمناقشة وتحديث خطة تقليل المخاطر مع طبيب طفلهم / طفلتهم ، والتوقيع على الخطة وإعادتها إلى الكلية بحلول يوم الجمعة 19 تموز/ يوليو 2024 . سيضمن هذا التحديث حصولنا على معلومات دقيقة حول حالة الطالب/ الطالبه والعلاج المطلوب أثناء رعايتنا له/ لها لتمكيننا من الاستجابة بفعالية لحالات الطوارئ الطبية
Hanan Khreish
Policy & Compliance Leader٠
Download SEQTA Engage Today!
SEQTA is our learning management system. Part of SEQTA is SEQTA Engage, which It is a powerful tool for parents and carers to have an overview of their child’s learning and assessments. It provides parents and carers with access to key information about their child's academic programs and progress, which is quick, easy and confidential. This includes access to their timetable, as well as attendance and punctuality records, assessment results, teachers’ feedback and College reports, enabling greater collaboration and enhanced learning outcomes for your children.
Both the SEQTA Engage and SEQTA Learn (for students) sites use the SEQTA Teach programmes as the primary vehicle, through which all the teaching and curriculum-related information are shared.
If you need any assistant, please do not hesitate to contact Dalal Youil.
As parents and carers, you can download SEQTA Engage below.
Year 2 & 3 Liturgy
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity." Psalm 133:1
Beginning their day with prayer and thanksgiving, Year 2 and 3 students celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Thursday 6th June. Led by our College Chaplain, Fr Peter, students joined in the prayers and the joy celebrating the joyous procession of the Resurrection, receiving the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Bread at the end of the Liturgy.
Marina Mikhail
Religion Teacher
Discover the Results from Our Student Wellbeing Survey
The Wellbeing Department conducted a survey among Years 5 - 12 students in 2023 on the main mental health and wellbeing patterns within our community. Survey results were analysed to better understand the needs of our students, which were developing a sense of self, creating respectful and meaningful connections with others and the sequential skills of communication and team building.
In response, the Wellbeing Department planned a 'Wellbeing Day' for Years 5-10 students delving deeper and targeting those specific struggle areas. Each year level engaged with the program aimed at empowering students to connect meaningfully, create positive values and develop responsibilities and respect. This was conducted as a full-day incursion for primary and Year 10 students, and as an excursion to Eporo Tower for Years 7 and 9 students.
All participating students filled out pre and post surveys. The findings demonstrated a notable improvement in both wellbeing and psychoeducational outcomes across all covered subjects. 79.1% of students reported the workshop met their expectations, along with many positive comments. Below are some student comments reflecting on their enjoyment and learnt knowledge from the day:
“It was fun and also was helping me along the way” - Year 5 student
“I learnt many new things like talking to new people, leading about self care, learning about how to deal with certain situations and more - Year 6 student
“I learnt how to be respectful and learnt how to speak to other people I don’t know.” - Year 7 student
“I learnt about how to feel supported, how to implement self care strategies and also to understand the importance of unity” - Year 9 student
“I enjoyed how this workshop showcased us different ways you could cope with rough times and allowed us to take time to calm ourselves by participating in different activities” - Year 9 student
Nardine Saad
Wellbeing Officer
Celebrating Diversity: Language
Culture Week Brings Traditions to Life
The college celebrated Language and Culture Week, which started on Monday, June 20th and ended on Friday, June 24th. The students participated in various activities throughout the week.
During the assembly on Monday, June 20th, the Year 5 students performed a song about the Resurrection to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord. This song was performed in Arabic and French. The Year 6 students also performed a song in Arabic and French, but theirs was about the seasons of the year. The Year 4 students, on the other hand, performed a song about mothers. During lunchtime, the movie "Madeline" was screened in the MPRA. On Wednesday and Thursday, the movie "Black Honey" was screened in the MPRA to showcase a side of Middle Eastern culture, popcorn and ice cream were served while watching.
In language classes, students worked in groups to create posters that expressed the role of language diversity in enriching societies with interesting customs and traditions. Additionally, in Food Technology classes, students learned how to prepare and cook various delicious French and Middle Eastern sweets.
Adel Botros
Language teacher
Year Four Explores the Past: Enriching 'History Box' Incursion Brings History to Life
The Year four Humanities Incursion, 'History Box' was an informative and enriching experience. Through hands-on activities, discussions and presentations led by 'History Box', students were able to recall stories of the 'First Fleet' and their experiences following arrival. Through constant storytelling and role play, students comprehended the nature of contact between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and others, as well as the effects of these interactions on people and environments.
The Year Four students had a fabulous time and are looking forward to more educational experiences!
Marina Youkhana
Year 4 Classroom Teacher
Checkmate! Chess a Student Favourite
Chess is extremely popular at our college, with many students showcasing their impressive skills and strategies. Most students are experienced players, often challenging themselves against computer opponents (AI) whenever they can. For those who are new to the game and eager to learn, the Chess Club offers a welcoming environment to develop their skills.
Recently, we captured some exciting moments of our chess enthusiasts in action. The club is organised into groups based on year levels, ensuring everyone has a chance to play and improve. We are thrilled to announce an ongoing competition that will run until the end of Term three. We encourage all students, especially those in Years 7 to 10, to participate and enjoy the game.
Chess is more than just a game; it fosters critical problem-solving skills that are invaluable in adult life. Join the fun and enhance your strategic thinking with chess!
Lee De La Cruz
Mathematics Teacher
Exploring Aboriginal Culture: Year 3 Students Engage in Enriching Incursion
As part of their Humanities unit on Aboriginal Culture, the Year 3 cohort had the incredible opportunity to learn from Sean of Didgeridoo Australia. Sean led three captivating activities: Aboriginal Culture, Didgeridoo and Beats, and a Bunjil and Waa art project. The students were thoroughly engaged and enthusiastic throughout the incursion, making it a tremendous success.
Nashwa Maroky
Year 3 Classroom Teacher
Exploring Aboriginal Culture: Year 3A
Exploring Aboriginal Culture: Year 3C
Exploring Aboriginal Culture: Year 3B
Exploring Aboriginal Culture: Year 3D
Year 7 Adventure: Unforgettable Camp at Lady Northcote Recreation Centre
On Monday, June 17th, Year 7 students embarked on an exhilarating camp experience at Lady Northcote Recreation Centre. The camp offered a myriad of activities, including canoeing, bike riding, the Giant Swing, High Ropes, Low Ropes, Kitchen Garden, and Group Challenges. These activities were meticulously designed to enhance students' interaction skills, foster teamwork, and create indelible memories.
The highlight of the camp was a delightful campfire evening, featuring marshmallow roasting, followed by a movie night with popcorn and candies as refreshments. These camp experiences play a pivotal role in developing essential life skills for the students.
Hepsybha Pidiseti
Teacher - Secondary English
Year 1 Excursion: Families – Past and Present
On Friday, 21st of June, Year one students visited the Heritage Village at Bundoora Park. Through interactive activities and engaging demonstrations, the students gained insights into the teaching methods, curriculum, and daily routines of their counterparts from over a century ago. From penmanship exercises with ink and quills to arithmetic lessons on slate boards, the students were engaged in hands-on activities that transported them back in time.
The excursion was an enlightening and enriching experience for Year One students. By immersing themselves in the world of 1899, they gained a newfound appreciation for their own educational journey. As they stepped back into the present, they carried with them a deeper understanding of the enduring importance of family, heritage, and the evolution of education.
Magi Shahata & Sophie Georgakopoulos
Year 1 Teachers
Year 4's Forces
In Year Four, students focused their learning on 'Forces'. They designed and built a car that moved on its own (non-contact) the fastest over different surfaces. Students had to think about what to make the body and wheels out of (including which size and texture might be best) as well as how they will get the car to move.Students had an excellent time testing out their cars and below are some amazing designs!
Marina Youkhana,
Grade 4 Classroom Teacher
Staff Spotlight:
Evan Kasapis, Head of Secondary
Every month, we're excited to shine a spotlight on staff members at SMCOC. This feature is a fantastic opportunity for our community to get to know the incredible individuals who help make our college a welcoming and vibrant place.
In this edition, meet our Head of Secondary, Evan Kasapis.
My career spans across the Public, Private, and Independent sectors, giving me a well-rounded perspective on education. I joined SMCOC at the start of 2021 as the Head of Mathematics, transitioned to Head of Senior School in 2022, and currently serve as the Head of Secondary. In this role, I oversee students and staff from Year 7 through to Year 12.
As Head of Secondary, I set high expectations for myself and my colleagues, while leading a top-notch Mathematics Department that has consistently achieved outstanding VCE results since 2021. The most fulfilling aspect of my role is guiding young men and women to discover their identity in Christ, fostering their maturity, and helping them become responsible, accountable adults. This holistic education approach is a collaborative effort between students, parents, and staff.
Coming from a Greek Orthodox background, I have found significant similarities with the Coptic community, easing my assimilation into the College. I'm inspired by the upward trajectory of SMCOC and am proud to contribute to its journey towards higher standards in curriculum, teaching practices, and creating a safe environment for our students. An average day for me is reminiscent of the 'Road Runner' from the old Looney Tunes cartoons—non-stop action from 8.00am to 6.00pm. It's busy but extremely rewarding, as I feel I make a positive impact on our students' lives every day. The only downside is how quickly time flies, which might explain my rapidly greying hair!
Fun Facts
Q: What are some fun facts about you?
A: Most of the Senior School already knows I'm heavily involved with my family outside of school. We're quite active, though I admit I'm the least fit! We love the outdoors, and I spend a lot of time as an Uber driver (along with my wife) for our kids' sports and competitions during the week and weekends.
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: My son and I enjoy fishing. If any parents in the community have good spots for snapper, gummy, or whiting, please feel free to share them.
Important Dates
Monday, Jul 15, 2024: Commencement of Term 3 for Teachers
Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024: Students Return (Term 3 commences)
Thursday, Jul 18, 6:00am – 8:30am: Careers/VCE Night 2025
Friday, Jul 19, 2024: Elevate Study Skills (Years 9 - 12)
Monday, Jul 22, 2024, 8:30am – 9:00am: Bus Captain Ceremony
Tuesday, Jul 23 – 24, 2024: Year 9 City Cite Orientation Day
Thursday, Jul 25, 2024, 9:30am – 11:00am: Student Leadership Workshop - Incursion
Friday, Jul 26, 2024: Year 8 Wellbeing Day - Excursion
Monday, Jul 29 – Aug 2, 2024: Science Week
Monday, July 29, 2024, 8:30am – 9:00am: Semester 1 2024 Secondary Excellence Awards
Canteen Price Changes
As you have been informed the prices at canteen have changed, please make yourself familiar with these changes and ensure your child has the correct money to purchase from the canteen.
You can find out price updates on via the menu changes we circulated via SEQTA.
St Mary's Coptic Orthodox College
19-35 Thorpdale Avenu, Coolaroo 3048
93 - 301 0999