July 2024
Do not be intimidated!
Dear College Community,
The Olympic Games are a very special event that the whole world eagerly anticipates every four years. Athletes from around the globe train rigorously for almost four years to achieve their best, each representing their own countries and striving to win as many medals as possible. Australia has always been dominant, consistently performing well and winning numerous awards in the Olympic Games. For any country to achieve even a single gold medal is a significant accomplishment.
It is wonderful to be competitive, not only in sports but also in academics. It is also gratifying to hear that some of our students here have achieved very high marks and received prizes. We take pride in the fact that the name of St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College has been mentioned everywhere, with people expressing gratitude for the education and hard work of the teachers here, as well as the dedication of parents and families. Despite this great news, something unsettling still arises that makes us feel there is something amiss in the world. Typically, the Olympic Games are an occasion for showcasing competitiveness, good manners, and positive behaviour, as well as a desire to lead a good and honourable life.
Unfortunately, during this Olympic event, the opening ceremony was very disappointing. They displayed an iconic image reminiscent of the Last Supper but in a mocking and disrespectful manner, featuring characters that represented bad behaviour. This portrayal seemed to ridicule the Last Supper (the Eucharist). Such actions deeply hurt us, especially when they occur on a global stage where the entire world is watching. How does this affect our feelings as Christians? It is something we must all condemn. We need to collectively say, “No! This is wrong! We cannot accept it!” Churches around the world are issuing statements to denounce this kind of behaviour, which took place in Paris.
What can we learn from this? We should remain steadfast in our beliefs and thoughts. We must be proud of being Christians and always be ready to demonstrate our faith in the world. It is crucial to acknowledge that this world often lacks respect for any religion, especially Christianity. Christians are inherently peaceful; they do not react with violence or seek revenge, but instead pray for their enemies. Some people take advantage of this, yet we know that the Lord has protected us in the past, and He continues to protect us today and tomorrow. Therefore, do not be afraid to express your Christianity. Do not hesitate to show your love for God, your Church, your Saints, and the teachings of the Bible.
These values should always be present in your life. Share them with others and teach those around you. Do not be intimidated by the actions of others; remember that the devil is actively trying to attack anything good, especially when it comes to Christianity, as it is Christianity that poses the greatest threat to him. The devil was utterly defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, so he is not simply waiting to tolerate Christianity. Be vigilant and prepared to confront such challenges with faith and love in your hearts, praying for others and conveying what is good. True happiness is found in Christ; the Lord created this joy. I hope you all grow strong in your belief, faith, and witness for our Lord Christ before the entire world.
May God bless you all and your families for their hard work in raising you as good Christians. May God bless our teachers who strive diligently to provide a quality education, instilling good manners and helping you to practice positive behaviour in your lives, ultimately making you good witnesses to the world.

Fr. Tadros Sharobeam
Head of College
Acting Principal’s Message
I hope this message finds you well as we progress through Term Three. We have had an incredibly busy and exciting start to the term, and I am delighted to share some of our recent highlights and updates.
Firstly, congratulations to our newly selected and delegated bus captains. Our VCE students have been hard at work with their practice exams. This period of preparation is essential for their upcoming assessments, and we are proud of their dedication and perseverance. We had the pleasure of celebrating our 2023 graduates who received various awards for their outstanding achievements. It was a moment of pride and inspiration for all of us, reinforcing the values of hard work and commitment.
Our VCE/Careers Information Evening was a significant event, providing valuable insights and guidance for our students and their families. Additionally, I am thrilled to announce that Green House was the top-scoring house for Term Two. Well done to all the members of Green House for your exceptional efforts and teamwork.
We are well and truly full steam ahead, with many more activities and events lined up. To learn more about these updates and for further information, please continue reading the newsletter.
In closing, I am reminded of the words from Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” As we embark on this term, let us commit our efforts to the Lord and trust in His guidance and support.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support. I look forward to an incredible term filled with growth, learning, and shared success.

Germaine Saad
Acting Principal
The Role of The Bus Captain
The Role of The Bus Captain
- The Bus Captain shall assist the Driver in maintaining a well-disciplined and safe bus environment during the morning and afternoon runs only, to and from the College. This will enable the Driver to focus on the road and pay attention to traffic conditions.
- The Bus Captain shall observe student behaviour on the bus and pay attention to, e.g. any misbehaviour, student leaving their seat, taking their seat belt off, littering or causing any damage to the bus. In such situations, the offender will be cautioned and told to amend their action.
- The Driver will report serious misbehaviour to the Bus Coordinator, who will inform the relevant Cluster/Year Level Coordinator through a Bus Misconduct form.
In the event of a serious breach of discipline on the bus, the Driver should contact the Bus Coordinator or Acting Principal. The College, and not the Captain nor the Driver, will apply the necessary consequences and follow up with students and parents/carers as appropriate, and inform the Bus Coordinator of any action taken.
In some cases, the Bus Coordinator or College Leadership may seek feedback from the Bus Captain.
- The Bus Captain may discuss seating arrangements with the Driver to improve student behaviour on the bus. The Driver has discretion when it comes to seating arrangements, and in establishing reasonable noise levels.
- The Bus Captain (if the Captain is a Secondary student) may have a role to play when incidents occur, where the Driver may delegate achievable tasks to the Captain and other responsible passengers, e.g.
- head counts, protection of scene, etc. (if necessary, in emergency situations).
- Keep all students on board the bus, OR
- Assist the Driver to move students away to the nearest safe area, if necessary.
- ـ سيقوم كابتن الباص بمساعدة السائق على الحفاظ على بيئة باص جيدة الإنضباط وآمنة خلال الصباح وبعد الظهر فقط ، من وإلى الكلية. سيمكن ذلك السائق من التركيز على الطريق والانتباه إلى ظروف حركة المرور
ـ سيقوم كابتن الباص بمراقبة سلوك الطلاب في الباص والانتباه على سبيل المثال ، إلى آي سلوك سوء
، أو مغادرة الطالب لمقعده ، أو خلع حزام الأمان ، أو رمي القمامة أو التسبب في أي ضرر للباص. في مثل هذه الحالات ، سيتم تحذير الطالب ويطلب منه تعديل عمله- يقوم السائق بالإبلاغ عن سوء السلوك الخطير إلى منسق الباصات ، والذي سيبلغ منسق المجموعة / السنة ذي الصلة من خلال نموذج سوء سلوك في الباص
ـ في حالة حدوث خرق خطير للإنضباط في الباص ، يجب على السائق الإتصال بمنسق الباصات أو القائم بأعمال المدير. ستقوم الكلية ، وليس الكابتن أو السائق ، بتطبيق العواقب اللازمة والمتابعة مع الطلاب وأولياء الأمور / مقدمي الرعاية حسب الإقتضاء ، وإبلاغ منسق الباصات بأي إجراء يتم اتخاذه
في بعض الحالات ، قد يسعى منسق الباصات أو إداره الكلية للحصول على تعليقات من كابتن الباص.
ـ قد يناقش كابتن الباص ترتيبات الجلوس مع السائق لتحسين سلوك الطلاب في الحافلة. يتمتع السائق بسلطة تقديرية عندما يتعلق الأمر بترتيبات أماكن الجلوس ، وفي تحديد مستويات ضوضاء معقولة
ـ قد يكون لكابتن الباص (إذا كان الكابتن طالبا ثانويا) دور يلعبه عند وقوع الحوادث ، حيث يجوز للسائق تفويض المهام المعقوله إلى الكابتن والركاب المسؤولين الآخرين ، على سبيل المثال
عد الطلاب ، وحماية المشهد ، وما إلى ذلك (إذا لزم الأمر ، في حالات الطوارئ) *
إبقاء جميع الطلاب على متن الحافلة ، أو *
مساعدة السائق على نقل الطلاب بعيدا إلى أقرب منطقة آمنة , إذا لزم الأمر *
Bus Captains for safe travel كباتن الباصات للسفر الآمن
Leading the Way: Our New Bus Captains
On Monday, 22nd July, we proudly selected some of our best role model students to serve as Bus Captains for their respective bus routes. These students have demonstrated exemplary behaviour, responsibility, and leadership qualities.
To ensure that each bus is well-managed, we appointed two Bus Captains on most of our routes, with one Bus Captain assigned to a couple of our smaller buses. The students were thrilled and honored to receive their badges, a symbol of their new responsibility.
We also took great care in designing the Bus Captain badges, creating a special and distinctive design that reflects the significance of the role. These badges serve as a reminder of the trust we place in our Bus Captains to lead by example and ensure the safety and well-being of their fellow students.
We are confident that our newly appointed Bus Captains will excel in their duties and help foster a safe and positive environment on our school buses.
Mervet Boulos
Head of Primary

Winter Boost with VCE Practice Exams
Our VCE students are studying and working hard as the final exams in October and November approach. Several VCE 3/4 subjects offered voluntary practice exams, providing students with additional feedback and preparation before the end of the year. Some subjects even brought in VCAA assessors to give students accurate and realistic feedback on their performance so far.
I am incredibly proud of our students, as these practice exams were voluntary, and we had the largest turnout for this session in many years.
Our dedicated VCE students will need to continue their hard work, and I look forward to supporting them on their journey to academic excellence.
Hayley Tronson
Head of Science

Download SEQTA Engage Today!
SEQTA is our learning management system. Part of SEQTA is SEQTA Engage, which It is a powerful tool for parents and carers to have an overview of their child’s learning and assessments. It provides parents and carers with access to key information about their child’s academic programs and progress, which is quick, easy and confidential. This includes access to their timetable, as well as attendance and punctuality records, assessment results, teachers’ feedback and College reports, enabling greater collaboration and enhanced learning outcomes for your children.
Both the SEQTA Engage and SEQTA Learn (for students) sites use the SEQTA Teach programmes as the primary vehicle, through which all the teaching and curriculum-related information are shared.
If you need any assistant, please do not hesitate to contact Dalal Youil.
As parents and carers, you can download SEQTA Engage below.

Student Wins Top Honours
Youssef Faltas has been recognised with a Premier’s VCE Award for their outstanding academic results in 2023. Youssef received a Study Award for excellence in VCE Foundation Mathematics at the Premier’s award ceremony held on 17 July 2024.
As one of the top students of 2023, the entire SMCOC is proud of Youssef and would like to congratulate him on being the recipient of such a prestigious award.
Youssef is currently studying a double degree in Engineering and Commerce at Monash University and we wish him every success in the future. To view the full Honour Roll and to read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit:

VCE Legal Studies Achievements
Two of our outstanding Year 12 students have been recognised with awards from the Victorian Bar Foundation and Hume City Council.
Meena Hanna has been awarded the Victorian Bar Student Achievement Award. This award, which includes a prize of $1500 and recognises Meena’s exceptional academic performance in Legal Studies Units 1 & 2. This is a significant achievement and a testament to Meena’s hard work, dedication, and passion for legal studies. Meena, alongside her family and 16 other students across Hume came together tonight to recognise their achievements in Legal Studies.
Rosemary Fatoohi has received the Victorian Bar Student Encouragement Award. This award acknowledges Rosemary’s academic achievements and her ongoing commitment to Legal Studies. Rosemary’s dedication and enthusiasm for the subject is evident, and this recognition is well-deserved.
In addition to their awards, both Meena and Rosemary will have an amazing opportunity to participate in an all-day work experience programme at the Supreme Court of Victoria! This initiative will provide them with invaluable insights into the legal profession with the intention to further inspire their pathway into law.
The Victorian Bar Foundation Student Achievement Awards aim to encourage young adults from all walks of life to consider a career at the Bar, promoting the message that the Bar is open to all on merit, regardless of social status, economic circumstances or ethnic background. Both Meena and Rosemary have embodied these values through their achievements.
Chantelle Daher
Humanities, Legal Studies & Business Management Teacher

Exploring Your Future: VCE & Careers Info Night
To commence the 2025 subject selection process, we hosted a VCE/Careers forum specifically for Year 9-11 parents and carers on Thursday, 18th July. The event featured a keynote presentation designed to provide families with a comprehensive understanding of what to expect in Senior Secondary, along with valuable tips to assist in the crucial process of selecting VCE subjects. In addition, our expert VCE teachers were on hand to answer questions about their subjects and to introduce the new VET programs available for 2025.
To ensure that all families have access to the important information shared during the forum, we have sent a copy of the slideshow to all families via SEQTA messages. This slideshow includes details on relevant VCE procedures, an explanation of how the ATAR works, as well as information on academic support and interventions available to students.
It was a privilege to meet so many engaged parents and carers at the forum and to address the thoughtful questions posed. If you have any further questions or need additional clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via SEQTA messages.
Gavin O’Sullivan
VCE Coordinator

House Update!

All Aboard: Bus Captains Incursion
On Thursday, 25th July, we held an induction session for our newly appointed Bus Captains. During this session, we outlined their vital role on the College bus, emphasising the importance of their responsibilities in ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. We also provided them with the necessary support and guidance they may need to fulfill this role effectively. Our Bus Captains play a crucial part in upholding our Bus Conduct Policy, and we are committed to assisting them every step of the way.
As a gesture of appreciation for their enthusiasm and commitment, we treated our Bus Captains to a special pizza lunch, which they thoroughly enjoyed. This lunch not only served as a reward but also provided a wonderful opportunity for the captains to bond with one another, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among them.
We are confident that our Bus Captains, with the support of the College, will excel in their duties and contribute to a safe and positive environment for all students during their bus journeys.
Mervet Boulos
Head of Primary

Celebrating Success:
Secondary Academic Excellence Awards
On Monday, 29 July 2024, SMCOC Secondary held its Semester One Academic Excellence Awards. These awards not only recognize students who have excelled in their subject areas in terms of marks but also those who have demonstrated exceptional effort and commitment to their studies through work practices and dedication.
It was heartening to see so many parents from our community come together to celebrate the achievements of their children. Their presence underscored the importance of parental involvement in their child’s education. Parents were able to witness their children receive awards in one of three categories:
- Subject Awards: Best-performing student in each year level across each subject area.
- Work Practices: Recognising work ethics, classroom conduct, completion of set tasks, participation in class, organisation, and kindness.
- Fr. Macarius Awards: A prestigious award recognizing personal and academic growth throughout the semester.
It was encouraging to see new students who had not previously been recognised receive awards, as well as students who had been honored in previous years continue to excel. Some students were even fortunate enough to receive multiple awards.
I encourage all students to draw inspiration from this assembly and strive to improve themselves, not only academically but also in their behavior and contributions to their classroom environment.
I look forward to acknowledging even more students at our next set of awards.
Evan Kasapis
Head of Secondary

Staff Spotlight: Madonna Kadas

Every month, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on staff members at SMCOC. This feature is a fantastic opportunity for our community to get to know the incredible individuals who help make our college a welcoming and vibrant place. In this edition, meet our Coptic Orthodox Religious Education (CORE) Teacher, Madonna Kadas.
I have had a diverse and enriching career journey, bringing a wealth of experience to my role at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College (SMCOC). My professional path began with studying Chinese medicine, which provided me with a deep understanding of holistic practices. I then gained valuable customer service skills while working for an insurance company. Transitioning into education, I served as a Learning Support Officer at a Catholic school, where I supported Foundation students in their academic growth.
In 2018, I ventured into business by owning and managing a café, where I honed my business operations and barista skills. My connection to SMCOC was rekindled in early 2020 when Fr Tadros offered me a position as part of the teaching staff. As an alumna of SMCOC, I was delighted to return to the institution that held fond memories of my school years.
At SMCOC, I am a dedicated member of the CORE (Coptic Orthodox Religious Education) Department. I teach the fundamentals of religious education to students from Foundation to Year 2 and provide numeracy support to selected Year 2 and Year 4 students. I find great joy in shaping students’ values and knowledge and supporting them in key academic areas. I am inspired by the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on students’ educational journeys and personal growth. The collaborative and supportive environment at SMCOC allows me to work comfortably while teaching subjects that matter most to me. I have built lasting and meaningful relationships with colleagues that extend beyond our teaching careers.
An average day for me begins with a prayer during chapel, setting a positive tone. I start with numeracy classes, engaging students who are fresh and ready to learn. Then I move on to religion classes, incorporating fun activities to keep students enthusiastic about their learning.
My journey and dedication to SMCOC make me an invaluable member of the team, and I am inspired by both the students and my colleagues every day.
Can you share three fun facts about yourself?
In my free time, I enjoy organising events like church fetes and fundraising dinners for a missionary charity. I also make the most of any chance to play volleyball, which is one of my favourite activities. Additionally, I love spending time with my family, particularly traveling and exploring new places together, making the most of each holiday as an opportunity for adventure and discovery.
Important Dates
Monday, Aug 19 – 21, 2024: Religion Week
Monday, Aug 19, 2024: Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, Aug 20 – 22, 2024: Year 1 & 2 Swimming Lessons
Thursday, Aug 22, 2024: St Mary’s Feast
Friday, August 23, 9:00am – 10:30am: Whole College Liturgy
Monday, Aug 26, 2024: Year 6 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday, Aug 27 – 28, 2024: Year 1 & 2 Swimming Lessons
Thursday, Aug 29, 2024: Year 5 Swimming Lessons
Friday, Aug 30, 2024: Year 6 Excursion – Eporo Towers
Join Our Team: Bus Driver Wanted
We are reaching out to share an exciting job opportunity within our community that may be of interest to you or someone you know. Our College is currently seeking a dedicated and responsible Bus Driver to join our transportation team.
The role of the Bus Driver is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of our students as they travel to and from our College. This position requires a valid commercial driver’s license, a clean driving record, and a working with children check.
This position requires the following key responsibilities:
- Safely transporting students on scheduled routes.
- Ensuring compliance with all traffic laws and safety regulations.
- Maintaining a clean and well-functioning bus.
- Communicating effectively with students, parents, and College staff.
If you or someone you know is interested in applying for this position, please contact Mr. Fadel Guirguis on 0403494122 for more details. We appreciate your support in helping us find the right candidate to keep our students safe and ensure a smooth transportation experience.
Fadel Guirguis
Bus Manager

Canteen Price Changes
As you have been informed the prices at canteen have changed, please make yourself familiar with these changes and ensure your child has the correct money to purchase from the canteen.
You can find out price updates on via the menu changes we circulated via SEQTA.

St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College
19-35 Thorpdale Avenu, Coolaroo 3048
93 – 301 0999
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